Wanna write a novel? Start here, kid

I want you to know everything I know.

In my business as a copy editor, blogger, and publishing & writing coach, I’ve helped many authors, but I’ve also learned a lot myself over the years. Where did I learn it? Why, right here, on the internet!

Think about it: all the information you need to write, publish, and successfully sell your novel is already out there. The problem is a simple Google search just turns up bits and pieces of that information—it certainly doesn’t take you by the hand and say, “Start here, kid.”

But #365daynovel does. See, I’ve taken the best online resources (the ones that I learned from, so I know they’re good) and put them in order, from day 1 to day 365, so all you have to do is complete one easy lesson each day, and then write.

But before you go to bed each night, you’ll use the Success Journal feature of #365daynovel to record your accomplishments. Why? Because feeling more successful makes you more successful. And it will motivate you to finish your novel.

#365daynovel is free, of course.

So, are you ready? Start here, kid!

23 thoughts on “Wanna write a novel? Start here, kid

  1. I’ve used Nanowrimo to really jump-start getting my writing going, but I love the idea of a program that goes on all year to give you daily spoonfuls of inspiration to keep writing. Looking forward to trying the #365daynovel.


  2. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog earlier, and for following, too. I appreciate it a lot! I am an aspiring author and I’d love to try the #365DayNovel. Thank you for this!


  3. This sounds so enticing. I have written a novel but realise it is not good enough. I would love to do this but I am afraid I won’t be able to commit the time every day. Maybe when I retire in two years time I can sign up ……I will follow you and try to plant the dream.


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